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Digital Marketing Hot Topics – September 30 to October 6, 2017

Like every week, we wish to inform you on the various trends, tools, and features in the digital marketing world. Here is this week’s news that our Index team has found.


Topic Modeling:  An essential strategy

In this article, you will learn how to strengthen your SEO and content marketing strategy through Topic Modeling. They also give you a step-by-step method on how to create a topic model.

How to easily increase traffic with only 1 article and no backlinks

In this article, the author, Rémi Mondina, introduces us to this strategy called “La Technique de la Fourmilière” (literally, the ant farm technique) which can lead to more traffic, more leads, and higher customer retention for your article.

How to avoid SEO disaster during an e-commerce platform migration

In this article, you will find 9 ways to safeguard your SEO efforts when migrating your e-commerce platform.

Danny Sullivan joins Google

Danny Sullivan, the Chief Content Officer at Third Door Media, begins working with Google on October 9. However, his role is not yet defined. Stay tuned for updates.


New tools from YouTube coming to you marketers!

“Custom Affinity Audiences” can now allow advertisers to target people based on the kind of places they search for using Google Maps. YouTube also introduces “Director Mix” which creates different video ads to target specific audiences.

How to target audiences over 50 years old

People in the 50+ demographic are usually ignored, however, they are the ones with more disposable income and are far more web savvy than most people believe. This article shows you 9 ways to advertise for this age group.

Creative ad ideas to test now

Here are 5 technologies recommended by Google to optimize Search Ads within Ad Groups.

Open conversations to connect with your customers on Facebook

Facebook introduces the messages objective to help businesses to better generate leads, answer issues, drive transactions, and offer support.

Using Facebook Messenger for your marketing: Is it possible?

Definitely! Messenger can be used to send out blog posts and engage with your customers. Read here 7 ways to perfect this type of marketing.

How to optimize your ad campaigns on Facebook and Google

This article shows how knowing consumer behavior on Facebook and Google can help marketers to create targeted content and ads.

How to create an effective landing page

In this article, you will learn how to build an effective landing page. It includes a 30-minute video and an online course.

Stay connected for next week’s digital marketing hot topics!